Sunday, 1 May 2011


So im doing my blog for discourse right?... Wrong im unable to do that as BLOGGER screwed me over piece of SH*T.. im in the middle of doing my blog and i try to publish my post, then im seeing shit like this...(below)
WHAT THE F**k... so what they want me to do is to use the same programme to explain how they F**ked me over? Makes NO sense.. they can sit under tree with lions :/ im so pissed of right now i don't know what im really saying but i know one thing, DO NOT TRUST THIS PIECE OF SH*T, even now im using microsoft word and then im copying and paste it onto my blog. And i heard Blogger was created by Microsoft Windows which if is true explains a lot (Team Apple). Technology is a marvel at times, we need it in todays society but right now im thinking to go back to pen and paper, at least those times all i had to worry about is the dog eating my homework. 
i've calmed down now and i thought ill give people heads up on what happened and to watch out for it!! PIECE OF SH*T

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